Tuesday, February 6, 2007

Egyptian Terrorists

Egyptian Terrorists
by mjik Friday, Sep. 22, 2006 at 5:38 AM

The Suez Canal construction was started before Jesus or Mohammed but the work was halted because of the fear that such a construction could inundate Egypt. However, despite the opposition of the "good ol" British, the construction was restarted under French supervision. Finally, the canal was complete. The British advised the good "king" of Egypt to have a party for the opening ceremony of it's new asset. The King said, "I got no money for a party." The British said, "I'll give you some" (they gave him "peanuts") and thus in a way they became part owner of the Suez Canal.

The land of the Nile, the Pyramids, … gave us Geometry the Lunar Calendar and the Solar Calendar, …. . Yet, many in the west believe Egyptians are nothing but camel riders! This is thanks to the relentless anti-Arab propaganda over the last half of a century.

Egypt was bombed by the supposedly "good Samaritans" who engaged in criminal, wrongful and dirty actions in Iran and elsewhere not dissimilar to what they are doing in the present invasion/massacre in Iraq at present.

The Suez Canal construction was started before Jesus or Mohammed but the work was halted because of the fear that such a construction could inundate Egypt. However, despite the opposition of the "good ol" British, the construction was restarted under French supervision. Finally, the canal was complete. The British advised the good "king" of Egypt to have a party for the opening ceremony of it's new asset. The King said, "I got no money for a party."

The British said, "I'll give you some" (they gave him "peanuts") and thus in a way they became part owner of the Suez Canal.

Beside many daylight robberies the Suez Canal used to be run by the "white men" and poor Egyptians had only two kind of jobs;
1. Polishing the "white mans" boots and
2. 2. Polishing the floor!

Even Tug Boat operators used to be white!! The Arab nationalist, the late Gamel Abdel Naser, was sick and tired of such racism, fascism and thuggery. Finally, he nationalised the canal under proper international law. Yet, for that offence, Egypt was bombed by British and Israeli terrorists back in the 50s. They made Naser into a so called "Hitler of the Nile" just like they made Dr. Mossaddeq of Iran into a similar character back in 1953.

For more info: Free America Now, Houston Indy Media and Muslim village,

1 comment:

sharkhan said...

Short, laconic and accurate account! Narration of this nature will generate constructive debate rather than corporate propaganda regarding Egypt.

But, where is the Egyptian democracy?